We do not RISE to the occasion.
We FALL back to our level of training.
To what level are YOU preparing?
We do not RISE to the occasion.
We FALL back to our level of training.
To what level are YOU preparing?
We do not RISE to the occasion.
We FALL back to our level of training.
To what level are YOU preparing?
We do not RISE to the occasion.
We FALL back to our level of training.
To what level are YOU preparing?
These were the words spoken by the Father of Texas, Stephen F. Austin, to impress upon fellow settlers their shared responsibility of protecting the new colony. To do this, he called for a band of protectors to be assembled on the frontier. It was then, in 1823, that the Texas Rangers began their legendary ride.
Acts of Heroism, Courage and Commitment became their legacy; one passed on to future generations of law officers to come. Two young men motivated to follow in these footsteps were the founders of CPTG, Mike Lane and Brad Oliver. Both began their careers during the early 90’s with Brad ultimately becoming a Texas Ranger himself, and Mike leading at the rank of Captain over a large agency in the DFW Metroplex. (Click here for bios)
As their career paths crossed, it was inevitable that they would meet and eventually discover the commonality they shared in those famous words chosen by Stephen F. Austin so many years ago. Both are strong believers that the security of our society rests in the hands of those willing to prepare to defend it. As “first responders” themselves, they have witnessed that the outcome of a critical incident is more often impacted by the actions of “immediate responders” already on scene than those arriving in the moments that follow. Be it industrial accidents in the workplace, threats of violence from others, or the natural destruction left behind by Mother Nature. It has become CPTG’s mission to prepare others willing to “fill the gap” between time of incident and first responder arrival…..For the Common Defense.
Cinco Peso Training Group, LLC